Criminals view their victims as a resource. They do not care about you. They do not care that you are a good person, a responsible mother, respected executive or older person. To them you are just an opportunity. Criminals look for easy opportunity and will not hesitate to use extreme violence to accomplish their goals. No amount of pleading, hoping the threat will go away or ignoring the problem will make them stop.
We insure our homes, our cars, our tvs, even our cell phones. Yet we don’t invest in our own safety and the safety of our loved ones. Now is the time! By enrolling in a C.O.B.R.A.™ course, you invest in your most valuable asset-yourself and your loved ones.
What you will learn
C.O.B.R.A.™ is a non-martial arts system, which means you will be in street clothes and will not be earning a belt. It is a professional program with an emphasis on student safety. Your instructors have extensive practical experience and qualifications in law enforcement, protective services and reality self-defense and have worked with criminals for over 25 years. The knowledge and skills you will learn is based on facts and was proven to be highly effective in the real world against real criminals.
You will learn:
- How criminals think and select their victims
- Recognize pre-attack indicators to avoid an attack
- Conflict de-escalation skills
- Strikes and kicks designed to be effective againt real attackers
- Defense against strikes, kicks, chokes and holds
- Ground defense
- How to defend against a knife, panga or gun attack/threat
- Use of everyday items as improvised deadly force weapons
- Anti-abduction techniques
- Scenario training
Who Can Do C.O.B.R.A.?
The ability to improve your situation when you find yourself in a bad one is not just for people of a certain age, gender or fitness level. Because anyone can be targeted by an attacker, everyone deserves the ability to improve their defenses. Prior experience is not neccessary to learn real life self defense. A lot of people will not take a self defense course because they think it’s too hard or they don’t have enough experience. C.O.B.R.A.™ was created for the widest range of students and your safety during training is our primary concern.
Upcoming Courses
5 Week Self-Defense Course for Adults: 03 Feb-04 March 2020 (Mon & Wed 19h00-20h00)
During the 5 Week Self-Defense Course for Adults you will learn about the various types of attackers, how they select their victims and how you can become a harder target. You will learn basic and intermediate techniques to defend yourself against a variety of unarmed and armed attacks ranging all the way from defending yourself against strikes and kicks to threats and attacks with guns and knives. We will train you how to avoid becoming the victim of kidnapping and hijacking and you will learn how to turn every day objects found in your home and office into deadly improvised weapons. You will learn to apply your new skills in real life situations through our unique scenario based training.You will earn an Official C.O.B.R.A.™ Certificate of Completion and you will receive a free copy of “The Psychology of Self-Defense: How to Cultivate a Superior Survival Mindset for Today’s World” in e-book format.
Your investment: R 1 750.00 per person.
Bring a partner and your partner may join at R 875.00.
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4 Hour Self-Defense Course for Adults: 20-29 February 2020 (Mon & Wed 19h00-20h00)
This is the ideal course if you have limited time available but want to learn as much as possible. During the 4 x 1-hour lessons you will learn how criminals select you and to become a hard target for criminals. However, not all attacks can be avoided and for that reason you will learn highly effective basic strikes and defenses against strikes, escapes from common grabs and holds, defense against blunt objects, kives and guns, as well as how to prevent being kidnapped aand hijacked. You will earn an Official C.O.B.R.A.™ Certificate of Completion and you will receive a free copy of “The Psychology of Self-Defense: How to Cultivate a Superior Survival Mindset for Today’s World” in e-book format.
Your investment: R 399 per person
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