C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense South Africa were recently requested by 1 South African Infantry Battalion based in Bloemfontein, to host a self-defense awareness seminar to the ladies employed by the unit. The event was part of the Unit’s National Women’s Day Festivities.
During the 45-minute seminar the ladies were exposed to a fun interactive demo where it was practically demonstrated that simply being in possession of a fire-arm is not always enough to defend yourself because attackers control aspects like the time, place and method of the attack. The ladies received instruction in a principle called the AAA principle (Awareness, Alarm, Action) and how that could improve your chances of staying alive and avoiding a violent confrontation. The presentation further included a practical demonstration on how every day items like a music CD, hot coffee, belt, nail file, shoe, oven cleaner etc can be used as improvised weapons.
Attention was also given to the main groups/types of attackers, how to recognize and deal with each.
C.O.B.R.A. offers Corporate Self-Defense Training to a variety of organizations in a variety of industries. Our client list include major local and international organizations ranging from mining companies all the way to cruise ships.