Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Empowered. C.O.B.R.A.™ is the most eye-opening & rewarding self-defense system for the REAL world. Everyone deserves to improve their security, no matter your age, gender or level of expertise. There is no martial arts protocol. No uniforms. No belts. No bowing. No fancy techniques that takes years to master. This is a “Police Academy for Civilians.” Avoid conflict in the first place and keep in control when conflict is unavoidable — when most people mentally and physically shut down. C.O.B.R.A.â„¢ is an eye-opening and rewarding experience for students. Skills learned in the C.O.B.R.A.â„¢ self-defence program are to be used in real life situations. This is not a sport or a point match. In real life you do not get to pick your bad guy. He/she will almost always pick the time, place and/or method of attack. You will never get this luxury. We train our students with this in mind. This is why C.O.B.R.A.â„¢ was developed to be extremely effective in real life.
Who Can Benefit?:
Everyone! The ability to improve your situation when you find yourself in a bad one is not just for people of a certain age, gender or fitness level. Because anyone can be targeted by an attacker, everyone deserves the ability to improve their defenses. Prior experience isn’t necessary to learn real life self-defence. A lot of people will not take a self-defence course because they think it’s too hard or they don’t have enough experience. C.O.B.R.A.™ was created for the widest range of students.
Curriculum of this 8 hour course:Â
- How bad guys select their victims.
- Myth busting- what works and what does not work (fun interactive demo with audience participation).
- Measures to avoid becoming a victim.
- What to do when attacked.
- What not to do when faced by an aggressive person.
- Use of everyday items as weapons.
- Anti-abduction techniques
- Physical defense techniques against the most common unarmed and armed attacks (participants love this!)
- Exciting scenario training where participants apply what they have learned in simulated real life scenarios against attackers in padded suits (very exciting and a firm favourite guaranteed to get the Adrenalin flowing!).