REAL Self-Defense Is Not Only About Physical Techniques

Most people think of physical self-defense techniques like how to defend against a punch, choke, somebody pointing a gun or knife at you. The reality is that these physical techniques only come into play as …more

Waarom dit nie effektief is om ‘n aanvaller in selfverdediging tussen die bene te skop nie

Geweld teen vroue is ‘n voortslepende probleem in Suid Afrika. Vroue is desperaat en soek na die mees effektiewe selfverdediging tegnieke om hulself te verdedig teen groter en sterker manlike aanvallers. Een van die mees …more

Can you really learn self-defense online?

This is a much debated topic in the martial arts and self-defense world.  Some instructors feel that one cannot learn martial arts or self-defense from online training, others feel that it compliments live in-person training …more

Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight…fact or myth?

Most people assume a gun will always be superior to a knife during a violent altercation. But is it true? Will a gun for self-defense always be superior? The answer is both YES and NO. …more