Is Fitness Required For Self-Defense?

This is a hotly debated question in self-defense circles. Some argue that it is not needed to be fit to defend yourself, while others say it is definitely needed. 

Fitness For Self-Defense

Why some argue it is not needed

Those who say that physical fitness is not needed to defend yourself argue that attacks are normally very short in duration and that  one of two things are required namely:

  • Comply and give the attacker what he/she wants and the threat will go a way or,
  • Fight by using techniques aimed immediately stopping the attacker in his tracks

Their view is that if you comply the attack may automatically stop and you will thus not need physical fitness to fight back. They also argue that using a certain technique will always have a certain reaction and that the fight will be over in a short amount of time. They say that a violent attack does not resemble  a sports type fight like boxing, MMA, BJJ  or other competitive sports fights where there may be a certain number of rounds the competitor need to complete. They argue that for those sports type fights endurance is required which means the athlete must be fit but with a violent attack, the attack duration is short hence no fitness is required. They also argue that if you use weapons, you do not need to be fit as the weapon will stop the attack.

Others argue it is definitely needed

Those who argue that it is definitely needed to be fit to successfully defend yourself effectively point out that not all fights end the way you anticipate. Techniques may fail and the attack may escalate into a prolonged struggle which will require stamina and fitness to continue. They also argue that even if you choose to run away to avoid the fight or you manage to escape and then run away, you need to have a certain amount of fitness to effectively do so. 

So what is the truth?

The answer is a combination of the above.

Most attacks can be avoided if you understand the psychology of self-defense i.e. how attackers select victims, how not to be an easy target, how to recognize pre-attack indicators and how to de-escalate a volatile situation. 

Also, there are certain techniques that have a high percentage success rate at stopping most attackers or at least disrupting their attack enough to allow you to either get to a deadly force weapon or escape the situation. That is the reason why we say that anyone can learn self-defense… BUT

Not all conflict avoidance techniques are effective all the time. Neither are all physical self-defense techniques.  Even if you use a weapon, the attacker may try to take the weapon away from you and it may escalate into a prolonged battle for possession of the weapon. You weapon may also fail, thus forcing you into unarmed combat. Also you may not always have access to a deadly force weapon and you are forced to fight unarmed.

This means that a violent confrontation may escalate into a prolonged violent fight where physical endurance and the intent to cause injury  is needed to keep fighting back.  But the reality is  that you may have all the intent to cause injury but if you are too tired to lift your arm or leg, intent will simply not be enough.

Also, if you have to run away, you will need enough endurance to keep running for as far and as long as it takes. You may need to overcome barriers and obstacles such as fences, running through uneven terrain, down hill or uphill to get away. Will you be able to do that using the adrenalin spike caused by the attack? Most likely not. Remember that the attacker may chase after you. Simply believing that running away will end the attack is flawed thinking.

So, while it may be possible to defend yourself without requiring fitness, you stack the odds in your favor if you are fit.


What type of fitness training is required?

The best type of fitness training  to supplement  self-defense training is training that closely resembles what you will be requiring in a fight namely a combination of cardio,  strength, core and flexibility training. 

The COBRA FIT program is a great way to supplement your self-defense training.