Have you ever wished that you have the superpower to know when a violent attack is about to happen so that you can prepare yourself and get the tactical advantage over your attacker?
The good news is that you already have that superpower. You just need to learn how to use it.
If you actively apply the techniques in this article, you make life very hard for an attacker, so much so that it will be almost impossible to catch you off-guard

Spotting a violent attack starts with having super vision
By super vision we do not mean that you have to be able to see through walls. What we mean is that you have to be able to observe finer details. Attackers always give away that they are about to launch a violent attack. As their bodies prepare to spring into action, there are certain things they do. These things include physical and verbal cues. If you know what to look for, you will be able to spot these cues and prepare for the attack which is about to happen. The best way to ensure that you will be able to spot these signs, is to pay attention to what is going on around you. Your biggest enemy? Your cellphone. Why? Well, test it for yourself. Ask 4 friends to stand in front of you. Let them take out their phones and text a joke to each other. While they are busy doing that, hold your hand up in the air. Start with 5 fingers, then 4, then 3 all the way untill you make a fist. Then put your hand down and tell them to stop texting. Ask them which hand you held in the air while they were texting. Prepare to be amazed at how nobody will know. Then ask them how many fingers you held up. Nobody will know, unless they peaked of course.
The ability to read the mind of a person planning a violent attack
An attacker planning to launch a violent attack always need to control three things. In the C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense System, we teach our students that an attacker always need to control the Time, Place and Method of Attack (TPM). The attacker wants to decide what, where and when it happens. People often refer to this as the “element of surprise“. The more difficult you make it for the attacker to surprise you, the more difficult it will be for the attacker to succeed with the attack. It goes hand in hand with your ability to spot the physical and verbal cues. You can now take the appropriate actions to either remove yourself from the situation, defend against the attack or prepare to attack first. It will be as if you can anticipate each move he is about to make.

The 14 most common pre-attack indicators to look out for
Here are the most common pre-attack indicators to look out for:
- Excessive eye contact to intimidate you and to evaluate whether you will fight back or not.
- Avoidance of eye contact when eye contact is expected. This indicates that the violent attacker is busy checking whether his escape route is open and/or whether there are people close by who may come to assist you.
- The attacker constantly looks at your hands and pockets to determine whether you are preparing to defend yourself and whether you carry a weapon in your pockets.
- Moving one leg to the front so that the stronger leg is at the back. At the same time he turns his body slightly so that the stronger shoulder and arm are at the back. This helps him establish balance and will allow him to generate rotational power when he strikes.
- Verbal threats and insults to intimidate and shock you into submission.
- Attempts to distract you by talking, offering assistance, touching you and pretending to look at something behind you so that you do not see the attack coming.
- Concealing one hand (normally the strong hand) in a pocket or behind his back to conceal a weapon untill he can get close enough to you to use it.
- Using the strong hand to feint scratching his nose or head so that he can get it high and ready to strike.
- Sudden changes in the colour of the attackers facial complexion. The attacker’s face may suddenly turn red or pale which is normally a good indicator of aggression.
- Uncontrolled trembling of the attacker’s lips as he becomes more aggessive/angry.
- Increase in breathing tempo & flaring nostrils as he prepares to attack.
- Opening and closing of fists.
- Incoherent speech and repeating of words/sentences indicates that he is not thinking logically any longer and is only focussed on attacking.
- Pushing, shoving and posturing.
For More Information on How To Defend Yourself Against A Violent Attacker:
Cell 082 299 9117
The Police Academy For Civilians