Self-Defense Training for Film & Publications Board

The South African Film and Publications Board recently contracted C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense to train their employees in reality-based self-defense at their Cape Town and Durban branches.  The Film & Publication Board regulates the content of films, games and certain publications through classification. They are also responsible for combatting the illegal distribution of pirated moves as well as educating the public and specifically children in the dangers of the internet, child pornography etc. Read more about some of the great work they do here:

Due to the nature of their work, the  FPB employees are often faced with hostile situations. Realizing the need to empower their employees with life-saving knowledge and skills, the organization decided to make use of the leaders in corporate self-defense training to empower their employees. The training focussed on preventative measures to recognize potential threats and how to respond accordingly. Unfortunately, not all conflict can be avoided and therefore the employees were taught highly effective unarmed combat skills which may allow them to escape from a dangerous situation as fast as possible.

Corporate Self-Defense Training

C.O.B.R.A. South Africa is part of C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense International which has a global footprint and have trained major corporations like Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Vodacom, Time Magazine etc. 

About COBRA Corporate Self-Defense Training

Our primary focus is to teach your employees conflict avoidance and threat mitigation techniques. Your team will learn how criminals select victims, how to recognize pre-attack indicators as well as the 3-step formula to stay safe.

However, not all conflict can be avoided. Therefore we also teach your employees how to respond during various types of unarmed and armed attacks. We include a range of topics ranging from gender based violence to hijacking and armed robberies. The techniques they will learn is easy to remember and has been proven to be highly effective in real world situations.

Not only will the team share an amazing experience, but they will come away with a greatly enhanced understanding of how the criminal mind works. Lean more about our corporate training here