You will fight the way you train, or will you?

You have probably heard this saying many times: “You will fight the way you train”.  This may be true to some extent… but not always. When you get into a real violent confrontation (fight), you …more

The Reality of Bullying in Today’s Day and Age

Let’s face it; bullying is no longer like it was when you and I were growing up. In the old days, bullying had to happen face-to-face.You had to actually be in physical contact with another …more

A Seasoned Street Cop Reveals The 3 Abduction Myths that Can Get Kids Killed

  As bad as last week’s horrific abduction, and dismemberment of 8-year old Leiby Kletzky in upstate New York was child abduction happens every day in America. Chris Sutton, a former street cop, maximum security …more

14 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Stay Safe on The Job

A Police Officer’s Checklist for Real Estate Agent Safety: Chris Sutton, the founder of C.O.B.R.A. Self-Defense System, is a veteran law enforcement officer. In nearly a decade of active service in the streets, he had …more

Life Saving Anti-Abduction Techniques

Abduction is a common occurrence in modern society. Criminals may have different motives to perform these crimes. Some examples include human trafficking, extortion & perversion. Children are highly vulnerable targets. Not only do they tend …more